'heterotopia, part I' tin foil and silver sheeting stage with audio and light projections, 2017.
documentation film (above) stills (below) shown at Tertium Quid, Arts Letters & Numbers, NY, January 2017
"Heterotopia" is an evolving site specific installation first created at at Arts, Letters & Numbers Institute and shown in January 2017 at the Tertium Quid Exhibition. It is audio visual work exploring the intensity of inpatient anorexia treatment on child/teenage anorexics and the lasting affects of recovery. Working with audio taken from documentary film created in an inpatient clinic of which i too was a patient, it attempts to convey to the audience both the experience of the unit itself and the complexity of managing recovery thereafter. Utilising autobiographical experiences of the ‘grey stage’ of recovery management, it aims to demonstrate the internal turmoil of challenging a disorder daily which wants to consume itself. It also brings to the forefront the stigmatised societal misconception that ‘why don’t you just eat something’ is a helpful treatment approach. That the condition can’t be cured with kind, helpful and frustrated words.
It utilises a textured foil flooring to create an environment that is difficult to move in, creating sensory input that is audible to the rest of the audience thus sharing your reaction (shuffling in discomfort, getting up to leave). Its also designed to be covered on all sides by distorted shiny silver sheeting (although in part I the set up space only allowed for 2 sides), creating both a beautiful refractive light display but also meaning the only thing to look at otherwise is your own slightly distorted reflection. I hope to be able to continue working on further versions of this piece in other spaces.